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About Us

Introduction about Bioengineering company

                                           is a Hong Kong based corporation focusing  in development and application of bio-engineering technologies and Nano

engineering technologies contractor.

Collaborated with global scientist, and engineers specializing in the field of  Nano coating, GreenWalls Group has developed its own unique systems,

including :

  1. Bio-Greening Systems;

  2. Nano Waterproofing & Concrete Restoration Systems;

  3. Solar Photovoltaic Systems; and

  4. Air-Quality Improvement Systems

It also provides installation through its applicator, GreenWalls Bioengineering (HK) Limited which operates since 1998.

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Think Green   .  Go Green

Know more Us

Construction Industry Council Zero Carbon Park 2020

Optimisation of Bio-Landscape WorksIntegrated with Nano & Solar Technologies

SolarIAQAir Quality & Health Improvement

SolarIAQ system type AQHI (Air Quality & Health Improvements), a long lasting anti chemical attack nano-grade TiO2 & formulated semiconductors particles, incorporating with vortex-spray & UV activated thin-film coatings to kill bacteria and coronavirus continuously under its photocatalytic decomposition and oligodynamic actions.

Greenwalls Group

Our Members


Bioengineering company

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Greenwalls AIPV-Tech Ltd.

   Our Certifications   

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